That brief moment between the waves

There was a brief moment when hope seemed to be on the horizon. 
Our household was fully vaxed. We saw my folks for the first time in over a year.
It looked like it was getting better. I dared go out, still masked, still socially
distanced, but to places that weren't grocery stores or druggists for non-essential things.
One outing in May was to a Habitat for Humanity ReStore, a thrift store.
I let myself shop and I found some great things.

That time has now passed and the next wave is upon us.

(Above) Pictures I used when I redesigned the layout on the kitchen countertop.
The art matches the blue and white pottery in the kitchen.
(Below) This is what I created from a 50 cent basket, a fake orchid, and some craft supplies.

An adorable piggy bank with a cork stopper nose.
A flower pot covered in bugs.
The basket I used for the orchid display above.

I found nearly a dozen fake orchids which I repotted.

A clock which didn't work and was sealed shut until I dropped it.
The back popped off revealing the mechanism which was an easy fix.
It found a home in my living room.

These are some of the pots which had the fake orchids inside.
A quick coat of spray paint for some and the back porch has new planters.

Some of the fake orchids found new homes on the dark side of my house.
The other half of my house is filled with live plants fighting for space.

Up on a tall shelf in the living room the orchids found a home.


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