Ah, domestic life

Rearranging a few things at the entrance to make room for a new present. With Reed moving next week beginning Wednesday until ∞ my birthday will most likely be spent lugging boxes and organizing her closets and shelves. (She decorates; I organize.) Lance took me out today to select my birthday gift, this side table. Ah, domestic life...at least it wasn't a vacuum cleaner. And it really was something I had my eye on but couldn't justify buying it. The size meant a visual change near the door so I moved the canes and umbrellas over into the spot. 

As for the former table, it will abut its partner on the other side of the sofa once Reed's excess furniture is removed. Perhaps a new table top for that pair or a simple cloth to visually join the two into one. I knew as soon as I placed the huge blue and white lamp last week that I'd need a bigger side table. Perhaps this is the solution I needed?

Next, a new entry rug for the space. 

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