Snake Basket


My snake basket works! Normally it sits somewhere in the house all empty and forlorn. Not today! A snake got inside and I used this and my walking cane to catch it.

I have been the official snake catcher/snake killer since I was seven, btw. Back then I rescued my screaming mother and sister from a snake at a stream. I beat it off with a branch. Later I chopped them with the shovel at hand in the garden. As I got older I realized not all snakes should die. For my kids I was the adult in the audience who volunteered to hold the snake. I drug the kids up front later to touch the pretty snakes. Snakes as much as armadillos and bunnies are avoided when driving. I've removed snakes from workplaces before when the men jumped on desk tops. Today I donned a leather jacket and leather garden gloves and cornered the beastie in a closet. A cane and a snake basket turned sideways, the basket lid open then closed, and out the door it went. Loosed it turned and headed back towards the house. Hopefully it'll stay under the house this time and not come in for another visit.

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