My collected home

Found a Vapheio Cup to sit alongside my Townley Vase, now home to a large staghorn fern. These pictures are from one corner of the living room and the two walls that join at that corner.
A Paul Sollman etching of Rottenburg, part of a larger set from when we lived in West Germany, hangs to the right of the vase. 

The Minoan bulls decorate all sides of the cup.
 The corner is filled with collected treasures like the clay marbles, a Chinese cinnabar scene vase, and a tiny Tiffany dragonfly candle lamp. 
 A Canaanite goddess is under another Tiffany style lamp and etchings of Bruges, Sienna, and Rottenburg, and a Portuguese plate.

The only thing out of place is the plant at the bottom right above. I've been plant sitting this pot of succulents for my daughter. Now that Winter is easing, it can return to her front porch. Her cat would eat it if she kept it inside to over-Winter.

Pictures from Austria, Italy, and Switzerland line the other wall. 
The view below shows the entry space next to the front door. A coat rack is positioned behind the door when open. A hat, cane, and umbrella rack is also seen in the bottom left corner. Over the entry table is a large mirror which reflects the sofa and front windows. The picture above the mirror is part of an Aztec codex.


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