Bernie is voting for Biden too

My response to an Idiot who will be writing Bernie's name in Fall 2024:

I am voting against misogyny, hate, book banning, climate science denial, homophobia, transphobia, tax breaks for the wealthy, racism, christian nationalism, xenophobia, and a convicted felon and rapist.
I am voting for science, reason, women's access to abortion and safe reproductive care, public education, common sense gun laws, access to mental healthcare, the environment, access to birth control, student loan forgiveness, tolerance, affordable healthcare, and more.

There are no "both sides" arguments to be made. The parties are different. Democrats may not be perfect but they are not Republican, Christian nationalist, hate mongers who want to reverse the progress we have made and take us back to Puritan times. 

I remember Charlottesville, Roe v Wade overturned, SCOTUS corrupted, George Floyd, the pandemic response and all the anti-science bullshit and nonsense. SCOTUS is stacked; the courts are stacked with Republican conservative appointees. The Republicans and their reach are already reversing decades of progress and will continue to do so. The Project 2025 Neofacist Theocrats have it all listed out on paper about what they plan to do when Trump returns to power. That includes eliminating some government jobs and agencies.

Why any progressive would throw away their vote isn't principled, it is short sighted, reckless, and irresponsible. Not voting for Joe Biden isn't penalizing Joe Biden, it's a win for Trump, and it's a blow against progressive ideals and progress for civil liberties. Not voting for Biden is voting against women's rights, people of non-white ethnicity, immigrants, refugees, non-Christians, the sick, the poor, the elderly, democracy itself, and the rule of law. Bernie is voting for Biden because he knows that Biden is the better candidate.

In a state where we scraped by with a win against Trump in 2020, Every Vote Counts. 
I am not throwing away my vote. I am voting against Trump: I am voting for Biden. Bernie is voting for Biden.


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