Work In Progress: Bricks In

The bricks are in. I used Gorilla Glue brand sticking putty to help keep everything lined up. It is removable from the wall and the bricks.

What I am left deciding is how I'll deal with the floor, the base, which is also wood. IF I ever want to have a heat source, whether an electric heat emitting firebox or just candles, I'll need to add a base of stone to the floor. I'll also need to add a lining of fire insulation to the inside of the front at the sides and above. There are faux fireplace timbers with are only lit, not heated.

For now I can use a battery candle like the one in this floral display. It's simple and the flowers are nice with the room's colors. Real candles on the far right side of the mantle are an option but for now I'll stay with the battery powered candle below.

This brick wall addition was a zero cost project. I used bricks from an old veg garden and owned the Gorilla brand sticking putty.

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