A message from my grandkitty and my daughter, a childless cat lady


Gram sends a reminder through her human to Vote.
Yes, Gram cares more about her mom than Republicans do.

And then there's Maude...

When Norman Lear's Maude was on TV an episode, "Maude's Dilemma" dealt with Bea Arthur's character becoming pregnant at age 47. With a grown daughter and her advanced age Maude decides to have an abortion. Her husband leaves the decision to her, agreeing to a vasectomy for himself.

Over the weekend another Republican, Bernie Moreno, stepped into another pile of shit when he asked why woman after age 50 need bother with the abortion issue, implying our child bearing years are beyond us. He seemed ignorant of the idea that someone could possibly vote in a way that may not affect themselves directly, for a reason beyond personal enrichment, for something other than purely selfish reasons. 

We vote for our daughters, our sons, their partners, our partners, ourselves. We vote for their future as women, partners, moms, cat moms, and individuals. Why someone would not have enough empathy to understand voting beyond your self interests is beyond me. We live in a broader society, one encompassing a myriad of concerns beyond my own. I vote for the betterment of our society, for our future. It is the same reason I pay taxes, for all of us.

Moreno further reinforced a now well-established fact that Republican men need to stay out of women's healthcare owing to their sheer ignorance. Yes, women can get pregnant late in life. It's not a great idea for one's health and even more dangerous for the fetus with increasing odds of genetic disorders increasing each year after age 35. 

As a woman with irregular cycles from the mid thirties, sometimes absent for years, and as someone with a heart condition, there are a multitude of factors that can affect a woman's health and ability to carry a pregnancy safely, full term, resulting in a healthy birth. 

Even after having my tubes tied, I spent a horrific night in excruciating pain. I had to ask someone to get a pregnancy test for me in the middle of the night despite the sterilization. Why? Because at the top of my concerns was whether I might be having an ectopic pregnancy. I had to rule that out because, YES, there is a chance of ectopic pregnancy after tubal ligation. My doctor had explained the risks to me. 

Unfortunately, despite doctors trying to tell the Republican patriarchy and SCOTUS the facts of life, they will not listen. It is a very clear sign that the Republican party does not care if a woman lives or dies. There can be no other conclusion: Republicans hate women. 

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