We are more than our reproductive organs

Arguments before the SCOTUS in April, 2024, reduced women's lives to that defined by our reproductive capacity. At question was the value of the woman's life in relation to that of the fetus. No one bothered to state the obvious: Before viability, the fetus only exists because the woman exists. If we cease to exist then the fetus ceases to exist. Yet the Republican state legislatures have implemented laws which compromise women's lives unaware that without our life, there is zero viability for over half the term of pregnancy. We have been relegated to the status of incubator.

Trust women to determine what is best for our lives. Let women decide privately, with their partners, with their doctors, with ourselves.

Let doctors save women's lives, women's futures, women's fertility without the threat of legislative morons, unskilled and untrained in medical practice, acting in ignorance and from stone age ideas.

As a mother of a grown woman in Georgia, I fear for her life. Despite her IUD, despite her partner's vasectomy, she could still get pregnant. If she is raped by a man, if her IUD fails, if she has an ectopic pregnancy, if she miscarries, all things which can still happen despite her taking preventative action, then she will likely suffer and possibly die because she lives in Georgia. As a mother of a son with a partner who can get pregnant despite both taking preventive action, her life and future is also at risk.

There are so many reasons that women get pregnant, get into health crises, and require medical intervention and the legislators are the LAST people who need to interfere with healthcare.  

A woman does not stop having a right to live just because she gets pregnant. A woman does not become a lesser human being, a mere incubator, a broodmare just because she becomes pregnant.  A woman's life counts and it counts more than a non viable fetus. BTW, by non viable I mean that existence can not happen outside the womb. Potential for life is not the same as the actual life of the woman who is pregnant. Wake up: if a woman dies, the fetus dies. Our lives count. Let doctors do what is necessary to save the woman. 

And don't give me this BS about a soul created at conception. That is one subsect of a few religions beliefs. Not all religions believe that abortion is wrong or unwarranted. Besides, stop forcing your religious beliefs upon others. 

And that heartbeat mentioned in heartbeat bills is an electrical signal registering. The heart hasn't even developed when the misnamed "heartbeat" is supposedly heard. Check the science or better yet ask an OB/GYN. 

An amicus brief was filed in the Dobbs decision which supported a woman's right to choose. And who signed that amicus brief: the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Medical Association, and 23 other leading national medical societies and associations committed to the provision of safe, quality reproductive healthcare, including abortion. They wrote in support of allowing Roe to stand and abortion to remain legal in the US.

But what happened? The Catholics on the SCOTUS ignored medical and scientific evidence and imposed their religious beliefs on everyone. 

Save women's lives.

Vote Blue down-ballot. 

Impeach the SCOTUS justices who lied at their confirmation hearings. 

Enact court reform now.


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