Why I am so personally pissed at anti abortionist assholes...

As someone who had a D&C at 12 weeks term at a Catholic hospital because I was bleeding badly over several days, I have to ask what would have happened to me under the current political climate?

Years later I returned to that same Catholic hospital with excessive bleeding, without being pregnant, instead suffering because of life saving blood thinners I was on. I needed an ablation and my doctors sought a sterilization at the same time because I had a heart condition. One surgery is safer than two and they needed to stop the excessive bleeding which landed me in the ER several times previously. My doctors (ob/gyn and cardio docs) told me I needed to move off of contraceptive pills and avoid another pregnancy. My OB/GYN explained that we would have to wait until the nuns met and approved the sterilization or I could just go ahead and get the ablation alone and the sterilization later. That's right! Nuns would have to approve my and my doctor's best decision for me, a sterilization. I refused to let the nuns have that power over me.

Two weeks later I underwent a separate surgery for the sterilization. It was the SEVENTH surgery/procedure I underwent in a 2 year period. I woke up under anesthesia and have had problems with claustrophobia since. Imagine waking up strapped to a table, eyes taped shut, with a mask over your face, unable to breathe due to an asthma attack. You'd be claustrophobic after that too.  

DO NOT THINK FOR A MINUTE THAT OUTLAWING ABORTION ENDS HERE. These anti-life, anti-woman, anti-abortion assholes want to go further. They want to take away our contraceptive options, married or unmarried. They think the rhythm method and god's will is good enough. This includes sterilizations-- that includes for you boys too! They want to stop IVF. They want to stop sperm donation. They want to impose their religious ideas on everyone. Their ideas are outdated and fly in the face of science and acceptable healthcare. 

An amicus brief was filed in the Dobbs decision which supported a woman's right to choose. And who signed that amicus brief: the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Medical Association, and 23 other leading national medical societies and associations committed to the provision of safe, quality reproductive healthcare, including abortion. The "Amici’s position is that Mississippi’s ban on abortions is fundamentally at odds with the provision of safe and essential health care and medical ethics. Amici present overwhelming evidence establishing the safety of abortion, the health risks of denying people abortion care, and the disproportionate harm bans impose on marginalized populations. Amici articulate why the ban is contrary to core principles of medical ethics and respect for patient autonomy." 

And what happened? The Catholics on the SCOTUS ignored medical and scientific evidence and imposed their religious beliefs on everyone. They tossed out Roe v. Wade like the proverbial baby with the bath water and handed it back to state legislatures. Whereupon a patchwork of laws about abortions were enacted and women were denied their rights under the 14th Amendment which states: No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. That's right the SCOTUS ignored a constitutional amendment. And you wonder why we need Court Reform! I say Impeach the bastards for lying under oath at their confirmation hearings and failure to uphold the US Constitution. As it stands women are now denied the right to safe medical care in nearly half the US states, representing 1 in 3 women overall.

The far right extremists believe their own lies. That fetal heart beat is not a heartbeat because the heart has not formed when these so-called Heartbeat Bills come into effect. It is an electrical impulse that is being recorded. And the idea that an ectopic pregnancy can be saved is absurd. Instead, it kills the woman and the fetus. 

Get this through your head: only doctors should make these decisions in conjunction with the pregnant woman and her family, if she chooses. As for overturning Roe v Wade, women were safer with the trimester system established in the 1973 decision. That's right 1973 American politicians and jurists were smarter than the assholes we have in 2024, despite the fact that the science and medical advancements are better. Yet women are forced into draconian situations where doctors fear for their lives and freedom, leaving women to bleed out in parking lots, or cross state lines for life saving medical care, and die because of the stupidity of Republican legislators, murderous fucking Republican legislators who have ZERO business enacting these crazy laws.

If you want to know more about Roe v Wade and abortion today: Here's a video that explains what Roe was about. Ah, to return to the good old days when rape and incest was a legal reason for an abortion,and when the life of the mother was a legal reason for abortion. That's right folks in some US states there are no exceptions at all. And as we are increasingly seeing, the health and future fertility of the mother is another thing we are no longer guaranteed. 

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