Random Thoughts about The Claims Adjuster
When asked about the killing of the Insurance Exec, 41% of voters aged 18-29 find the killer’s actions acceptable (24% somewhat acceptable and 17% completely acceptable).
Are you concerned at the indifference shown by the young people in America? Maybe it's the way they were raised...Maybe it's because they were brought up hearing that Gun Owners' Rights outweigh their right to go to school and NOT BE SHOT. ~Just a thought, a damned good one.
It's sad that the story about the shooting of this multimillionaire who got rich denying claims is getting more coverage than those who held policies with the company.
"In a statement to the Guardian, a UnitedHealthcare spokesperson responded to the news of the arrest of a person of interest in connection with the killing of Brian Thompson.
“ 'Our hope is that today’s apprehension brings some relief to Brian’s family, friends, colleagues and the many others affected by this unspeakable tragedy,' the statement said."
STILL no comment on the deaths of thousands the company is responsible for...
No one here is the judge of who deserves to live or die. That’s the job of the AI algorithm the insurance company designed to maximise profits on your health. All jokes aside, we mourn the loss of tens of thousands of Americans who die each year so CEOs like him can become multimillionaires. Copays and deductibles in lieu of thoughts and prayers.
When I heard that it was targeted hit I was reminded of an old joke: What do you call 500 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?
What if we spent just one day a week covering the deaths of those people denied coverage by their health insurance companies?
If Kyle Rittenhouse can be acquitted after his asshole shooting spree murdering two, then I think The Claims Adjuster has a fair shot at getting away with killing a murderous CEO insurance exec.
Healthcare CEO Assassination Poll via Emerson College Polling
A majority of voters (68%) think the actions of the killer of the United Healthcare CEO, Brian Thompson, are unacceptable. Seventeen percent find the actions acceptable, while 16% are unsure.
“While 68% of voters overall reject the killer’s actions, younger voters and Democrats are more split — 41% of voters aged 18-29 find the killer’s actions acceptable (24% somewhat acceptable and 17% completely acceptable), while 40% find them unacceptable; 22% of Democrats find them acceptable, while 59% find them unacceptable, this compares to 12% of Republicans and 16% of independents who find the actions acceptable, underscoring shifting societal attitudes among the youngest electorate and within party lines,” Kimball said.
Men were slightly more inclined to find the actions acceptable compared to women: 19% said the actions were acceptable compared to 14% of women.