Landline and telephone table

Seen here the elusive telephone table resting in its natural setting, the home of the mid-50s-and-up AARP members. Also present is the landline, an endangered species. This is a remarkable example of the corded telephone with answering machine attached. As with all settings in the owner's age group, the machine has neither the correct date or time. Alas, the instruction manual was lost as soon as it was purchased in the early 2000s.

Seen above without flash because the same age category often ignores those bothersome little warning signs indicating flash recommended. That, or no reading glasses were found despite the presence of more than 3 dozen odd pairs of varying intensity scattered haphazardly throughout the home.

The old table that sat here until two weeks ago has found a new home with my daughter. Its Mission style complemented her other Mission style side table for her sofa ends. This table was one of my sofa side tables in the living room. It was replaced with a birthday present from my husband. I thought I'd pair this end table with the other side table but together they took up too much floor space. I've topped it with a Japanese table runner I found new in its original packaging at a thrift for $5. BTW, the thrift store is run by the local Catholic hospital, an institution I despise. Yet, their thrift store proceeds go exclusively towards their hospice service. The store has celebrated its $2million mark so I feel it's ok to shop there. 

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