The new nightstand / secretary

The art I had in the space didn't work. It was off balance and wasn't in keeping with the nature theme I have for the room. I've had these Audubon prints since 2005 and they were in the living room until I changed the art out. This is now the third place they've hung in the past month. As I always say, live with it and see how you like it. You can always change it. 
My passion for seashells is on display.

I changed out a pillow cover. What was a brown on brown cover is now a P Kauffman Locanda duck cotton fabric with birds! I still love my $2 embroidered pillow at center. So glad I was able to salvage and restore it. What a find!

The mirror still doesn't have a home. It was a salvage find which I combined with a discount mirror I had from way back. 


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