Pheasants for the peasants

My husband says we are the richest poor people you'll ever meet. At one time we would have been truly middle class. Over the past twenty years we've seen our spending power decline with rising house and car prices, sky rocketing medical expenses, and now food price rises above the inflation rate. All the while wages have been stagnant, without adequate COLA adjustments. 

From the time we married, our spending policies have always remained geared towards second hand, thrifted, and used/reused/repurposed. Knowing what I like and having a direction in mind, I shop second hand to save money.
Our home remains an example of how I select things with an eye towards a collected English design aesthetic, an embrace of art, and personal expression combined with a love of booksmusic, gardening, baking, bread making, and cooking good meals. All this is done on a tight budget.

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