Have I completed the living room?

 Will it ever be truly complete?

Woke up to the red curtains today and I really like the change. If you'd been living with drab brown as long as I have, you'd crave color too.

Below: Living room with the brown curtains I found to replace the sun bleached curtains I had since 2003. Thrifted two rugs seen below.
Boring brown and beige curtains matched the brown and beige pillows.
The best change I made was the coffee table. Thrifted for $40, it replaced the $5 creaky little table that was too small for the space. It was also the rare occasion that I sent a piece of furniture to a thrift store instead of repurposing it in my home. 

All the furniture--sofa and chairs and side tables-- were hand-me-downs from my MIL who used to update her furniture more often than some people swap cars. One day I'd like to get something to replace the cheap white bookcases we've had since the late 1990s. I have some ideas about what I want but can never find the right things for the right price. 

(The things I bought to give the brown living room new life)

Red Curtains $20.00
Brown Curtains $14.00
Replacement Side Table $40.00
Blue Pillows 2 for $6
Kilim Pillows swapped from the library
Replacement Coffee Table $40.00
Red Rug at door $20
Blue edge rug $15
Lamps -FREE from MIL
Two décor pieces over windows- $6
Other art moved from around the house
Table cloths for side table- one scarf I owned and later, a scrap piece of fabric $3
Table and snake basket under Asian art - moved from others areas
PLUS a $25 wall shelf not pictured above, but on a different wall.

$186.00 over a three year period 

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